What Needs to be Determined After the Rob Elementary School Massacre.

Investigators search for evidence outside Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas, on Wednesday, the day after a mass shooting took place there.
Jae C. Hong/AP

Sunday, May 1st, 2022, was a humid and musky day driving back to San Antonio, Texas, my hometown. I was coming back from a retreat and decided to stop in Leakey, Texas, where my family and I spend most of our time during the summer. As I was pulling up to the two-way stop leaving the town of Concan, there read the sign “20 miles to Uvalde, Tx.” Uvalde was a small town we would sometimes hit when coming back from the Frio River. Driving through that town was just a simple reminder of what makes the state of Texas a great place to live. It didn’t cross my mind that this town was capable of having a mass shooting; it didn’t cross my mind that 19 precious children and two excellent teachers excited for the end of the school year and summer vacation were in the final moments of their life. Most notably, it did not occur to me that a young 18-year-old man going through an extreme mental illness and feeling rejected by the world was planning a horrific event that would shock the entire world.

I am deeply heartbroken about this massacre that went down and, at the same time, frustrated as a Texas native, wondering what’s going on in our state and even our country. My heart goes out to the crushed families who are in mourning for their children, who at one point were probably planning their vacation but now have to plan a funeral. Each day I pray to the Lord about why this happened and what could have been done. Then the Lord reminded me of the scripture in Ephesians 6:10-12 NIV “Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.”  

People are angry and have every right to be, but the ultimate reminder even I am struggling with is understanding as much as we want to blame politics or law enforcement. This world we live in is a fallen world used by an evil force manipulating anyone or anything to destroy humankind (2 Corinthians 4:4). As a community and a nation, we have to ask ourselves what we need to pray for to put the will of God on our side and destroy the enemy’s plan? According to ABC news, there have been …

“Fourteen mass shootings at U.S. schools since 1999’s massacre at Columbine High School in Colorado have killed a total of 169 victims.”

By The Associated Press https://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/deadliest-us-school-shootings-84949424

If you believe in Jesus reading this, we need to ask ourselves, where are we missing the mark? As the church, what are we called to do when approaching the destruction of mass shootings in our country? There is a lot to dive into, and it goes beyond our thoughts and prayers. As children of God, we can make a difference, have an impact, and most importantly, our prayer chains can be the reason we see the changes our country needs to make our schools, jobs, and local markets safe.

Pray against Gun Violence

black rifle
Photo by Specna Arms on Pexels.com

I am in no way here to debate the political views on guns, but our availability of firearms in society is undoubtedly the root issue of mass shootings. Why is it so easy for a teenager to purchase an AR-15 but more challenging to get a driver’s license, apply for a job after college, or buy anything that may take a waiting period? Guns are useful in certain circumstances, but we have to remember any firearm that goes off releases a bullet designed to go through any surface, including a human body. Most gunshots are fatal and need to be taken seriously for someone wanting to purchase a gun. Whether you’re a republican, democrat, or independent, setting up regulations for gun laws may be necessary. One decline in purchasing a firearm or applying for a permit may save 100 innocent civilians. Let’s lift our state and country in prayer that we put brick walls for guns and not allow them to fall into the wrong hands.

Remember, “no weapon forged against you will prevail” – Isaiah 54:17 NIV.

Be a Voice 

We can not change people, but our words and actions can make a difference to someone who may be in desperate need of help. Hearing the backstory from Salvador Ramos, the gunman of the school shooting, learning he had a bad relationship with his mother, who was dealing with drug abuse, and seemed not to have a close relationship with his grandparents. The fact he shot his grandmother in the face shows me how much of an impact the devil has influenced the evil in this world, using someone’s hurt and pain to bring mass destruction to others who do not deserve it.

As a church and as a community, we can speak up! Let’s start by opening up our church doors not just on Sundays and having outreaches more than ever, reaching out to the neglected and broken-hearted. Being that individual who made that one phone call or that invite when others thought that person was different. One act of kindness out of love could play a difference in an outcome. Even if takes reporting someone to the authorities or to get psychiatric help. Mr. Rodgers said it best in one of his infamous episodes on gun violence “Always look for the people who are helping; you’ll always find someone who’s trying to help.”  

Remember, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.” -Matthew 9:37 NIV.

Pray for our leaders.

ideabug/Getty Images

I’ve never really considered myself someone who is into politics only because there are certain things I disagree with in the democratic party and the republican party. However, whoever is in office in our region, city, state, or country, it is always necessary to pray for our leaders. We can have opposing views and disagreements with whoever is in office, but we can not control a party’s viewpoint on today’s issues. My only prayer for the leaders in the state of Texas is that this tragedy acts as a wake-up call instead of just a slight bump on the road. Regardless of your political views, this tragedy should be an inspiration to bring redemption for our state instead of a terrible stronghold.

I pray that Gov. Abbott makes changes to the young & broken generation that thinks violence is the only way to get attention and opens the door for those struggling with mental health to have a chance to overcome their difficult journey from what we call life. I pray that we go back to bringing safety in our classrooms so that every young boy and girl will have the opportunity to grow into the beautiful creations God has designed them to be. Lord, I ask that you close the doors to the enemy who uses mass destruction for evil, but you will intend this for good. For your word in Revelation 3:7, “What he opens no one can shut, and what he shuts no one can open.”

In Jesus’ Name Amen.

How Can I Help?

Donate to the Families and Rob Elementary

Please take the time to support all of the grieving families struggling to come up with the money for the funeral of their loved ones. Click on the link and donate to the listed gofundme pages to help these families put their children to rest. Also Rob elementary school also has their donation page by going on their twitter account for more information.

Donate Blood

If you live in Texas and know your blood type, I highly encourage you to take the time to donate blood. Some of the shooting victims injured in the horrific event need all the blood they can get. So go to southtexasblood.org to schedule your appointment.

People were also bringing babies to Jesus for him to place his hands on them. When the disciples saw this, they rebuked them. 16 But Jesus called the children to him and said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. 

Luke 18:15-16 NIV.

Rest in Peace to all of these precious souls we love you and your legacies will never be forgotten.

1 thought on “What Needs to be Determined After the Rob Elementary School Massacre.”

  1. Debra andrade

    This article was so moving. My respect to the writer who has a heart and compassion for others and points to and gives credit to a higher power that everyone should have in their lives. Jesus Christ. He is our protector and shield against the evil in this world.

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